I'm so very proud and thrilled to announce that our GGR IE Chapter Director Jackie Reseigne is now a Kali Brand Ambassador! Jackie just may need all the Kali pads for all the Enduro racing she will be doing this summer! Congrats Jackie and thank you as usual Kali protectives for always supporting GGR and our women's cycling community!
www.kaliprotectives.com GGR is proud to announce that GGR Director Wendy Engelberg is now an official Kali Protectives Brand Ambassador.
www.kaliprotectives.com "I've been using Kali's helmets and pads for years, so this just made perfect sense! The pads never move on me and after a terrible crash in 2013 hitting my head many times, I didn't even have a headache after the crash" Look for pictures coming soon with Wendy in all the Kali Protective gear on the new Enduro GGR bike coming out next month! Just announced, Wendy Engelberg has joined the ZOIC team of Brand Ambassadors! Look for pictures of the ZOIC shorts and Wendy's new custom GGR Canfield Balance all coming soon! www.zoic.com/wendy-engelberg
www.zoic.com GGR is so very thrilled to announce we have secured the date and location for the 2015 annual Rocktober event!
Please save the date! October 18th at MCSP. (Malibu Creek State Park). This year we will have even more demo bikes, vendor booths, skills clinics and guided rides! This past Rocktober we had 190 women participants! GGR is now accepting sponsors and booth requests for this event. All booths for 2015 are $100 each plus product donation for the event. If you would like to secure your booth spot or find out how to donate product for raffles, goodie bags, etc, please contact: Wendy Engelberg: [email protected]. For a list of this past Rocktober's sponsors, check them all out here: www.girlzgoneriding.com/event-sponsors-2014 |
Do you have great women's specific mountain bike story and want to contribute to the GGR blog? ? Email Wendy at: [email protected]
June 2023